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(40-50s) Founder/CEO PRIDE Fitness; INSTAGRAM Followers: 500K. She loves green juice and wearing tank tops that show off her ridiculously sculpted arms.  A self-proclaimed "Champion of the Queer Community,"  Cis-Het Ainsley shocks everyone when her daughter publicly comes out as pansexual and Ainsley tries to push her back in the closet! Ainsley created her fitness empire to create a safe space for queer folks to get their sweat on, but a secret fear keeps her from embracing her own daughter's queer identity. Ainsley joins the support group, FLAGS, to save her company, but transforms to affirm not only her daughter’s sexual identity but also her own – she comes out as Bisexual!

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(50s) Redneck who dresses like Larry the Cable Guy in his trucker hat and Astros jersey with the sleeves cut off. Chuck owns and runs a plumbing supply company with his wife and adult "son," ROCKY. Chuck loves nothing more than grabbing a beer with Rocky to watch a game or hitting the gun range together. His universe crashes like a pickup truck into a drag show when he finds out Rocky is trans. Only the threat of his wife kicking his ass to the curb gets him to attend FLAGS. Chuck has to let go of lifelong prejudices and possibly friendships if he wants a relationship with his daughter. Chuck's journey shows us that if this guy can change, anyone can. 


(30-40s) SLOANE, Nonbinary, owns three PRIDE Fitness locations but most importantly, they are the overly enthusiastic leader of the support group, FLAGS .  A trained counselor who is part cheerleader, part motivator, and part kick-ass trainer. They won’t give up until these parents push through their fears to give their kids the affirmation they desperately need -- "We're saving lives here, people!" But Sloane hides a shameful secret -- they are unable to transform their own parents. Sloane's awakening happens when they  learn to affirm themself and discover that found family is a beautiful thing. 

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(16-18) Daughter of Ainsley who feels insignificant compared to her mom's company. A late bloomer, Jenna thinks coming out as Pansexual will be no big deal... until her mom rejects her. She didn't expect anyone to roll out a rainbow carpet for her... actually, she kind of did. When she goes back to school, kids she has known her whole life suddenly treat her like she reeks of Eau de Pansexual. Bye-bye cis-het privilege. Jenna joins GLOW (Gay, Lesbian, Or Whatever), a teen group at school, to navigate her coming out. But the best part is when  Jenna finds romance in the group. Jenna faces what many LGBTQ+ teens face, a parent who isn't outright hostile, but who is far from wholeheartedly affirming. 

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